Roblox Talent Hub Portfolio (2025)

1. DevForum or TalentHub for portfolios

  • Jul 3, 2022 · Personally, I think Roblox should just integrate the Talent Hub ... talent hub portfolio yet. Talent Hub. 2 Likes. G3N3T1K (Ash) July 4 ...

  • Roblox has closed the #collaboration:portfolios category so we can’t post portfolios on the devforum anymore but I find it hard finding jobs on the TalentHub as the creator page is very uncustomizable, I think Roblox should add a Portfolio section to the TalentHub creator page or bring it back in the DevForum. What do you think about this?

2. Feedback on my Talent Hub Portfolio | Why can't I find work?

  • Aug 5, 2022 · Hey there, I'm using the Talent Hub as my portfolio and I'd love to get some feedback on it. In addition, I seem to be declined at almost ...

  • Hey there, I’m using the Talent Hub as my portfolio and I’d love to get some feedback on it. In addition, I seem to be declined at almost every job I’ve applied for, but I don’t know the reason as to why. I have been applying to jobs on the Talent Hub ever since I got my hands on it when it went public. I have experience in a plethora of fields with work to back it, yet I can’t seem to get any jobs. Anyways, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Link to my Talent Hub Creator Page: Talent Hub Edit: ...

3. Portfolio For Talent Hub - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox

  • Nov 13, 2021 · Hello! I'm Cheekybones579! I'm a Builder, Modeller, and Programmer on Roblox. I've been Playing Roblox for 5 years now and developing for 2.

  • CheekyBones579’s Portfolio Hello! I’m Cheekybones579! I’m a Builder, Modeller, and Programmer on Roblox. I’ve been Playing Roblox for 5 years now and developing for 2. Here is some of the stuff I’ve made in that time! Games Dune Buggy Driving: Dune Buggy Driving - Roblox Roles: Owner, Lead Developer, Lead Programmer, Thumbnail Artist Status: ALMOST COMPLETE Tower Of Craze: Tower Of Craze (BETA) - Roblox Roles: Co-Owner, Lead Builder, Lead Programmer, Thumbnail Artist Status: COMPLETE...

4. Feedback on my Talent Hub portfolio - Developer Forum | Roblox

  • Jan 20, 2022 · I moved my portfolio to my Talent Hub profile to the best of my ability. Is there anything I can do to improve it?

  • I moved my portfolio to my Talent Hub profile to the best of my ability. Is there anything I can do to improve it? My Creator Page - Talent Hub

5. Talent Hub Portfolio - Bulletin Board - Developer Forum | Roblox

  • Feb 12, 2023 · Falcon_Aviator's Portfolio Hello! I'm Falcon, a modeler, scripter, and graphic designer! Work Experience 1 year in UI 2.5 years in scripting ...

  • Falcon_Aviator’s Portfolio Hello! I’m Falcon, a modeler, scripter, and graphic designer! Work Experience 1 year in UI 2.5 years in scripting 2 years in modeling Several ROBLOX Aviation tech groups Portfolio Mesh Accessories: Fedora & Scarf Smushed Ice Cream Cone Mesh Models: Sukhoi SSJ100 Boeing 777-300ER Boeing 757-300 UI Design/Scripting Self Check-In System (excuse the bad music) Video Link Item-offering NPC’s Links P...

6. Adding Portfolio Games to TalentHub - Platform Usage Support

  • Jun 16, 2023 · I wanted to link the actual game but it says it needs the teams ID and not the public one so I can't add it. I could add it as a link at the ...

  • Over the last 3-4 years I’ve done a good amount of devving jobs which I’m writing up on my TalentHub portfolio that i’m making. I’ve 3D Modelled entire games but I just made the models, we had a shared place on different studios / groups but I don’t have access to the actual game or was revoked access after release. Some of the games I’ve worked on were also already released on someone’s account so group collaboration wasn’t possible. I wanted to link the actual game but it says it needs the ...

7. (USE TALENT HUB) Portfolio | Ty_Scripts | Scripter

  • Nov 4, 2020 · Scripted a demolition testing game where you get into a bunker, spawn the block, and destroy the block in one of multiple methods. The bunker ...

  • Please use the talent hub: Portfolio Home Hi! I’m Ty, 15. I’ve been scripting for 5 years. I started with Scratch and Python in 2016, started learning Lua in 2017, and took a Web Dev (HTML, CSS, JS) course from 2018-2019. Scripted an entire Trick or Treat game, with leaderboards, datastores, custom username system, gamepasses, costumes, unlockable neighborhoods, codes, and doorbell system. Scripted a demolition testing game where you get into a bunker, sp...

8. TalentHub Portfolios Suggestion - Developer Forum | Roblox

  • Jun 27, 2023 · TalentHub Portfolios Suggestion · Feature Requests Talent Hub Features ... TalentHub portfolio. The team and place ID's help verify the ...

  • As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to create an authentic TalentHub portfolio. The team and place ID’s help verify the authenticity and positions developers claim to have had. The problem is that in many of my projects I no longer have access to the game after release and sometimes it was work on an existing game on someone’s account and not a group meaning I was never in a team create game. This makes it hard to verify Developer experiences which is why currently TalentHub has very...

9. Feedback on talent hub portfolio - Developer Forum | Roblox

  • Sep 27, 2022 · i made a portfolio for ugc on the forum but it got taken down so i decided to make one on the talent hub its not as good since you cant use ...

  • i made a portfolio for ugc on the forum but it got taken down so i decided to make one on the talent hub its not as good since you cant use any images but here it is My Creator Page - Talent Hub ( any feedback is appreciated

Roblox Talent Hub Portfolio (2025)


How do you get qualified in Roblox Talent Hub? ›

Verification in Talent Hub settings. In order to gain access to the website, developers must go through an Age Verification to make sure they are a real person so that they are not bots. Once done this, they will be given the verified badge on the website to tell others that they are real people.

How does the Roblox talent hub work? ›

Talent Hub is a place where creators can find other people to work with, hire someone for their team, or search for jobs related to their skills. Profiles will show a person's Roblox username and avatar, their skill set, and if they're open for work.

How do you verify your talent hub on Roblox? ›

Simple steps to get verified on both Roblox and the Talent Hub:
  1. Visit the Roblox website.
  2. Head over to “Settings”
  3. Click “Verify My Age” below your age settings.
  4. Follow the verification process, note that you will need a seperate device to scan the QR code.
Jan 23, 2022

What does rep mean in Roblox talent show? ›

Rep is earned by winning talent performances, or by joining the Roblox's Got Talent group. You can find more about the group by clicking here. Additionally, rep can also be earned by completing parkour challenges, several of which are located throughout the map.

Is Roblox talent hub 13+? ›

The Talent Hub exists for 13+ users (but its bad according to pretty much everyone on the devforum). You might be able to do email verification because I know a game that requires 1 year account age + email verification to play. Restricting your game based on date-of-birth is against the Roblox Rules.

How hard is it to get hired at Roblox? ›

Roblox interviews FAQs

Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Roblox as 46.2% positive with a difficulty rating score of 3.2 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty).

How Roblox pays you? ›

Automatic engagement-based payouts let you earn Robux based on the share of time that Premium members engage in an experience, regardless of the experience's size. These payouts are in addition to earnings from other monetization methods such as Passes.

How much money do you get from Roblox Dev? ›

As of Aug 10, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Roblox Developer in the United States is $52.84 an hour.

How to earn Robux faster? ›

Create and Sell Items for Robux

Each time a player visits your world or downloads your game, you'll earn Robux. Additionally, creating in-game items available for purchase can also generate commissions. Collaborating with friends and attracting players with premium subscriptions can boost your Robux earnings.

Is giving Roblox your ID safe? ›

Q: Is it safe to verify my age this way? A: Yes! We want you to know that we take our community's safety and privacy seriously, and Roblox never stores raw ID document data.

How many followers do you need to get verified on Roblox? ›

You are an owner of an experience with playtime exceeding 1M hours in the last 90 days. Or, you are a contributor to such an experience and have at least 10K legitimate followers on Roblox. A legitimate follower is someone who appears to be a real user, as opposed to a bot.

How to be hired in Roblox? ›

Please keep in mind you must be 18 years of age or older to work for Roblox. You can view current Roblox employment opportunities on our Job Application Site, or by clicking on the Jobs link found at the bottom of each Roblox web page. How Can I Tell Who is an Admin or Roblox Staff Member? Need more help?

What are Roblox employees called? ›

Administrators and Moderators are all adults over the age of 18 who work at Roblox as a paying job. If someone tells you they are an Admin or a Mod, but they don't have the badge, please be sure to report them right away using the Report Abuse buttons located around the site and in every experience menu.

How does Roblox talent hub work? ›

Talent Hub is a great place for creators to connect and collaborate. Whether you're looking for someone with a special skill set or want the chance to showcase your own, this is the spot for you. We want to make sure your experience on Talent Hub is as rewarding and safe as it can be.

How do you become a pro player on Roblox? ›

Being patient is a key part of becoming a pro Roblox player. Try some hand-to-hand combat. Wait to practice this until you are under attack. When you get cornered, turn around and slash quickly with your sword, or use another weapon such as a gun as quickly as possible.

How do you qualify for Roblox DevEx? ›

Step 1: Meet DevEx Eligibility Requirements
  1. Be at least 13 years of age or older;
  2. Have at least 30,000 Earned Robux (defined below) in your account;
  3. Have a Roblox-verified email address;
  4. Have a valid DevEx portal account;
  5. Have an IRS form W-9 (for U.S. taxpayers) or W-8 (for non-U.S. taxpayers) on file with Roblox;

How do you get into the Roblox Creator program? ›

Anyone can access our creator tools free of charge at For anyone who's interested in learning how to start developing on Roblox, we provide tools and resources on the Documentation site.

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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.